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31 May 2024 Release: Code testing and Build Validation

By Oleksandr (Sasha) Antoshchenko


Release Notes

With the release of Dependency management, Micro temporary lost its ability to run ad-hoc validation of builds and ability to test code. As promised this functionality is back and improved.


We believe that build validation is an essential part of Micro, that allows our users to ensure that their code is working as expected before deploying it to any stage, even to the development environment. There is no change for the user in the way how validation is triggered, but the way how it is executed is changed.

The only thing you as a user might notice is that the first call to a validation for a particular build might take few extra seconds, but all subsequent calls will be faster. The reason for that is, now we can't just validate code by sending it to another Micro application (read more about this in Building Micro with Micro), now that you can add Node.js dependencies Micro has to do much more to set your code up for validation.

Downstream Code Testing

This feature was initially introduced with the release of Downstream calls, and allows you to test your downstream code in two ways:

  1. Ad-hok test. Where you specify the input to the code, alike the way you do it in the validation, and Micro will run the test for you.
  2. Usecase-based test. In this case, Micro will take data from the Use Cases that call given Downstream, and will run the test for you. You can trigger that in two places:
    1. From the Downstream Schema code editor's "Test" tab. This will run all Use Cases that call this Downstream.
    2. From the Use Case menu. This will run all Downstreams with all Use Cases that call them.


Logging is essential when you are running tests, and now Ad-hoc tests return logs from the test execution. We are experimenting with this feature, and in the future will allow you to see the logs from any execution, test or production, but for now, it is limited to the Ad-hoc tests.

We are looking for your feedback on this feature, so please let us know what you think about it!

We build Micro with Micro

We are using Micro to build Micro more and more now. Most of this functionality is built using Micro itself, and this "flywheel" approach allows us to improve the product faster and with more confidence.


We have prepared a video that shows how to use the new features:

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